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Monday, February 7, 2011


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Will President Obama Bring About UFO Disclosure in 2011?

The Portland Journal
For the last two years there has been a strong feeling by many in the UFO fraternity that one of the big guns in the American Administration will drop the UFO bombshell - UFO disclosure!

That job it seems has fallen into the hands of U.S. President Barack Obama, according to many UFO


Recent UFO sightings such as the Temple Dome event in Jerusalem, Israel have given more impetus on UFO disclosure, with many people questioning why will the President not tell the world what it wants to know - Are we being visited by Aliens from another planet?

The simple fact of the matter is that the responsibility of UFO disclosure does not fall directly into the hands of any one President. If a President was too straight out with "there are Aliens and they are visiting us," without consultation from top military chiefs, there could be a lot of trouble internally.

It would of course fall on someone like the U.S. President to calmly reassure the public that we are being visited by a friendly Race from another planet. But what if those Aliens did not have a friendly intention?

Would it then be in the best interests of the public to disclose UFO's or E.T. (Extra Terrestrials) if the Aliens were bad guys?

Many believe that there is a lot of chatter going on between multiple governments with regard to the UFO phenomenon, and that disclosure will come soon regardless of the Alien Agenda. To be honest it would probably be in the interest for the public to know either way that way people could prepare for whatever eventuality.

The general belief although President Barack Obama would call time on UFO's visiting the Earth and disclose information, is purely speculation if not just a Myth. It would be up to a collective of very powerful individuals in the military, scientists and world leader in a G20 type summit.