Did you know that more and more everyday people are selling crack online local,cops and the FBI are cracking down on more and more drug dealers online! people are making tons of money but selling drugs are easy to sell online because of a site called http://craigslist.com where dealers set up post that sells something that has to do with a large amount of the drugS then the buyer contacts the dealer then they meet up at a place they can do the transactions! but there other ways we can't list here were you can buy with your credit card and its legal! dont believe me then search the web or just google selling crack online there are working ways to sell large amounts of drugs locally,national and international levels! All thanks to the internet !!! So my Big and little brothers from another mother i love yall to def but if you are still on the block you needs get far away and to a library with a suite and tie with a briefcase and get on your laptop and get to work! im not in any way say anyone should sell drugs at all im just saying if you gone do it anyway just do it smart got get caught!