HootSuite helps organizations use the social web to launch marketing campaigns, identify and grow audience, and distribute targeted messages across multiple channels.
Using HootSuite’s unique social media dashboard, teams can collaboratively schedule updates to Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Wordpress and other social networks via web, desktop or mobile platforms plus track campaign results and industry trends to rapidly adjust tactics.
Launched in Dec. 2008 by Invoke Media, HootSuite’s rapidly growing user base includes governments, artists and organizations like The White House, Martha Stewart Media, SXSW and Zappos. Accolades include awards from Mashable’s Open Web, Canadian New Media, and Shorty Awards.

Executive Group
Ryan Holmes, CEO – LinkedIn
Bio: HootSuite CEO Ryan Holmes’ entrepreneurial endeavors include successes in a variety of industries from founding a pizza restaurant chain to building the top online paintball equipment supplier in Canada before founding Invoke, the agency that created the popular social media dashboard tool.
His interest in tech emerged early after winning an Apple II in an elementary school programming contest. Ryan founded digital agency Invoke Media in 2000 to provide holistic marketing, development and design services. Invoke also developed products including early CMS and e-commerce web apps, the Memelabs contesting platform, and then social media dashboard HootSuite.
Rapid growth led to spin-out and funding of HootSuite in December 2009.
Rapid growth led to spin-out and funding of HootSuite in December 2009.
Ryan frequently presents at conferences internationally — including 140tc, OMMA, 140conf, IMA, Open Network Labs — speaking about the evolution of the social web. He is widely quoted in media sources including NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Guardian (UK), and Venture Beat. Personally, he is an enthusiast of yoga, rock climbing, paragliding, surfing and playing with his dog Mika.
Simon Stanlake, CTO – LinkedInDave Olson, Director of Marketing – LinkedInGreg Gunn, Business Development – LinkedIn
Board of Directors
Scott Wolfgang, Director
David Blumberg, Director
Gary Tauss, Director
David Blumberg, Director
Gary Tauss, Director
Series A, Dec. 2009
Blumberg Capital
Hearst Interactive Media
Geoff Entress
Social Concepts
Hearst Interactive Media
Geoff Entress
Social Concepts
HootSuite Web App
HootSuite iPhone
HootSuite iPad
HootSuite Android
HootSuite BlackBerry
Ow.ly and Ht.ly URL Shorteners
HootSuite App Directory
HootSuite iPhone
HootSuite iPad
HootSuite Android
HootSuite BlackBerry
Ow.ly and Ht.ly URL Shorteners
HootSuite App Directory
Media Kit – Include descriptions, press releases, logos, interview contact information
HootSuite on Crunchbase
HootSuite on Crunchbase
HootSuite Media, Inc.
37 Dunlevy Street
Vancouver, V6A3A3, CANADA
Vancouver, V6A3A3, CANADA