Personally, I’m on the fence with this one. I believe this is something that should work itself out. What’s done in the dark will always come to the light, is my philosophy, however you have to evaluate your relationship. Is this person someone that will value this information? Or will they ultimately resent you for revealing the information. Bottom line: It’s NOT your business! People get caught up in other people’s business everyday and create unnecessary drama that could be avoided if they simply tended to their own dry existences. What if you actually saw the person with a family member and quickly jumped to the WRONG conclusion? Then you’ve created a rift that didn’t previously exist.
At the end of the day you have to decide whether revealing such information is for your friends benefit or your own! Revealing the butt naked truth may cost you a friend or just leave you… butt naked. (No pun) Give me your thoughts! STORY VIA BUTNAKEDTRUTH