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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

#Smarterhiphop Submission by @bigmoneybrezzy

BigMoneyBrezzy - DIAMONDMYND (EP)

This EP consists of 5 smash bangers, including production from foreign made it beats, Sob productions and many other great upcoming producers. This EP let's you feel all types of the Brezz from the smoothies to the gritty flows.

Stream "Diamond Mynd" Here
About BigMoneyBrezzy

BigMoneyBrezzy the Austin Texas Native just does it all, from shooting his own visuals to creating hits. He is just that Diamond Mynd, so on the rappers bday August 14 th, he decides to spread the wealth with all his SwaggaTeers with a 5 track ep called Diamond Mynd, which is available everywhere online. He is also currently working on another ep "Jesus Carter" and the Anticipated Album "Difference". The show never stops with him because he just keeps the ball rolling. 

Also be on the lookout for the Swaggiest song of the Summer "Drift" which will be available Sept. 27

For More Brezzy Updates 

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